What is your connection to the Salvation Army?
Edna and the Lewis Group of Companies were doing the Salvation Army adopt a family back with I first started with Lewis – 1992 – so there is a long history of giving to others in need. I believe that I might have taken over heading the charge in 2015, at least that is the first year that I have written down, yes I do keep track. 😊 Edna was ready to release the reins so to speak and since we had already done some bake sales to help contribute, it was given to me.

What is your proudest moment in years of fundraising?
I’m proud every year – the people in this organization just amaze me with their generosity. One year that I was very concerned about was 2020, most of the employees were working off site, and we were not allowed to do any type of bake sale. Salvation Army was also not taking gifts, only gift cards. I was worried we wouldn’t collect enough. But everyone came through – we had a craft and gently used item sale and raffled off some items – believe me it wasn’t all me, everyone here stepped up. That year was also the first matching year, and I believe that helped.

What advice do you have for others looking to achieve something similar?
I couldn’t do any of it without all of you! I think that this is so successful because we have done it for so long. I think that you need to pick an organization that you are passionate about, and that others would be also. Be willing to allow others to help – sometimes I hold the reins a little to tightly still, but I am learning to loosen my grip. Try to make it fun, or least part of it fun – I think the food really helps with this, and some folks are just natural shoppers. Just have faith and it will generally always work out the way it should.

Email Jan directly at jan.paino@lewismc.com to give congratulations on another successful year of spreading holiday cheer.

Jacki Rizo-Arana is the administrative assistant at Lewis Group of Companies. She enjoys fitness, outdoor adventures, and discovering new gourmet spots.