Employee Spotlight - Vanessa Segovia
Read below to hear from Vanessa Segovia, Senior Event Coordinator with Lewis since 2013, on her experience completing her first marathon.

What got you into running?

Vanessa: I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions, but I’ve always liked to have a few goals when a new year would start. When 2024 started, I felt like I needed a big push to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to do something that would really challenge me. So I just decided to jump head first and sign up for a marathon.

Was this your first marathon?

Vanessa: Yes. I had not run longer than 30 mins or 3 miles in 15 years. Longest I had ever run 15 years ago was 7 miles, for maybe 2 months.

What was training like?

Vanessa: I only trained for 3 months. I didn’t decide to sign up until January 31st. Initially my goal was just to finish it, whether I ran and walked- as long as I finished. A couple weeks into training, that changed and I started to get more serious. Overall training was awesome. To see what my body could do when I pushed it, disciplined it and get out of my comfort zone has been truly amazing.


Hardest part about training?

Vanessa: Honestly, finding the time especially as my mileage increased each week. You do one really long run a week (my longest topped off at 18 miles) and at the base of the runs you’re running 2 hours, getting up to 3 hours. Sometimes I was excited for them to see what my body can accomplish and other times not so much. Overall, it’s just a mental game.

What was race day like?

Vanessa: Exciting. A little nervous leading up to it, but overall, an amazing experience. I did the OC Marathon in Newport. The route had beautiful views. I ran a negative split finishing in 4hrs 21mins. My goal was sub 4:30, so I’m glad I accomplished what I set out to do. Can’t wait to build on that and get a better time for my next race.

How long was recovery for you?

Vanessa: It really wasn’t too bad. My legs were definitely sore, but by day 3 most of my soreness was gone. I took about 2 weeks off from running, but now back at it.

Any advice for anyone looking to get started running?

Vanessa: Start small. Whether you’ve been running, haven’t ran in a long time or have never ran in your life. Do what you can do and build on that. Take it day by day or else you can get overwhelmed or discourage yourself. It’ll come. Don’t overthink it.

Do you have your next marathon planned?

Vanessa: I’ll be running my next marathon in February. Until then I’ll be running 3) half marathons, a 5k and a 10-miler all before Thanksgiving.

Email Vanessa directly at vanessa.segovia@lewismc.com to congratulate her on her huge achievement!