Pieces of mail processed
Feet of plotter paper prints
Envelopes stuffed and sealed through automatic machine

What's your favorite part of your job:
David: I enjoy the eclectic nature of this position, being able to complete a variety of tasks throughout the week keeps monotony at bay and makes no two days feel the same.
What's your proudest work achievement:
David: Taking my knowledge from past work experiences to help improve the quality of life in my current role by training my co-workers in different methods of printing and design, and introducing tools that help with print production process.
How do you stay motivated:
David: Both Lewis and I have decades long ties to my hometown of Rancho Cucamonga. I grew up with Lewis retail centers and property developments in the area, and it is exciting to be able to contribute to the evolution of my city.

What is your favorite part of your job:
Anthony: My favorite part of the job is the fact that I get to visit all the different departments at the Corporate Office. It’s a great way to meet everyone and welcome all new employees, as well.
What makes a great leader:
Anthony: A great leader is someone who leads by example; provides motivation and encouragement; and is always supportive, reliable, and respectful.
What's one professional skill you've nailed:
Anthony: I feel that my customer service skills have improved since working here. I try my best to greet everyone who walks through the mailroom with a positive and helpful attitude.

What do you do at Lewis and what does your role entail:
Alexa: I am the Receptionist here at the corporate office. My role entails that I welcome and direct guests and employees and provide support to Lewis departments. For instance, I assist our recruiting department with preparing New Hire material.
What's your favorite part of your job:
Alexa: My favorite part of my job is that I get to come to work everyday to a friendly and helpful environment. Everyone that I have met here at Lewis is always willing to help if I have any questions or need any help.
How do you stay motivated and motivate others:
Alexa: I stay motivated by reminding myself and others that everyday is a new day to grow and learn. There is always something to learn or improve in, which makes everyday a day to look forward to

What do you do at Lewis and what does your role entail:
Brandon: I work in the Mailroom in the corporate office. We distribute mail, print blueprints, deliver supplies, pick-up lunches for meetings, and more. My role has a little bit of everything, which keeps each day interesting since there’s always something different to do.
What's your favorite part of your job:
Brandon: One of my favorite parts of my job are the print requests. The print requests include the blueprints and making booklets. It’s always rewarding to see the finished product!
What makes a great leader:
Brandon: In my opinion, a great leader would be somebody who is able to encourage and respect their team, along with being able to teach and help them with challenges they may have along the way.

What is your favorite part about your job:
Ale: My favorite part of my job is that every day is different. There is always something new to learn and a new skill to pick up daily. There are many aspects and functions within every department that we can learn about and work through as a team.
Who has inspired your career path most:
Ale: My biggest inspiration in my career is my older sister. I think seeing how confident she is at her work and how willing to learn and grow in her career she is. She is resilient and always pushes forward no matter what work struggles she might encounter. Even if she has never done a task before she will figure it out herself and be great at it. She inspires me to always be open minded and willing in the workspace.
What values guide your career path:
Ale: A value that was instilled in me growing up and once I started a career was having a strong work ethic in everything I did. Whether it be a small task or a big task I take pride in all I do and always look for good end results.

What do you do at Lewis:
Dzung: I am the driver for Mr. Goodman and my role is driving in a safe manner, and helping the Mail Room as needed it in proper way.
What is your favorite part of the job:
Dzung: Driving our CEO, he is working hard, very dedicated, and easy to talk to.
How do you stay motivated and motivate others:
Dzung: I always have a positive attitude, am cheerful, and friendly to everyone at work.

Rosie Lewis is the Corporate Marketing Manager at The Lewis Group of Companies. Rosie is a Claremont native who enjoys hiking, yoga, and developing her green thumb.